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Action Group News - February Edition

Project CAN DO! health and wellbeing programmes are now in Newtownabbey. We are grateful to Church of the Holy Spirit, Mossley and Newtownabbey Methodist Mission, Rathcoole for hosting these projects.

The project in Church of the Holy Spirit, Mossley meets on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm starting on the 23rd January. And, the project in Newtownabbey Methodist Mission, Rathcoole meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.15pm starting on the 24th January. Don't worry if you've missed a session, you're very welcome to join us. During each session we journey through the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing, with the sixth and final session a Community Health & Wellbeing Fair!

Please share this news, we would like to see as many people at these sessions as possible! And, if you have anymore questions about Project CAN DO please contact us at

We're excited to announce Ballybeen Improvement Group and ROC are working together on a cost of living focused Project Can Do.

The four-week programme in March will look at ways of supporting local residents during the continued cost of living crisis and most importantly signposting them to local organisations. We'll have input from local organisations and beyond to share helpful tips on keeping costs down, keeping healthy and warm, as well as looking after wellbeing. On 16th April, we're hosting a Community Fair to showcase the wide range of support services in the Ballybeen and Dundonald area.


On the last Friday of each month, we open the ROCNI Office for a few hours in the morning. This is an opportunity for those that we work with to come for a cup of coffee, a chat and a opportunity to meet others who are connected through ROC.

26th Jan 31st May 27th Sept

23rd Feb 28th June 25th Oct

22nd Mar 26th July 22nd Nov

26th April 30th Aug 20th Dec


We are excited to announce a brand new social campaign 'PEOPLE OF GOODWILL'

We love hearing about the great work happening in communities right across Northern Ireland and we would like to share your stories!

So if you have any projects happening that you would like us to share, please get in contact with Ben at


Thank you to those who joined us on Tuesday 30th January at the McDonald Centre, North Belfast for our Health & Wellbeing Connect Event!

We are excited to tell you that we have a Family Support Connect Event, also happening in the McDonald Centre, on Tuesday 12th March from 6pm-8pm.

This is an opportunity for you to meet different youth and children's organisations, family support groups, agencies and others supporting families in North Belfast. This is a free event! With Information Stands, freebies and refreshments throughout.


We are very grateful for the supporters, trusts and funding bodies who have financially supported us since we launched in May 2012. Every generous gift has enabled us to grow and develop ROC's work in communities across Northern Ireland.

Like many other charities and community and voluntary groups, we have been impacted by the recent funding budget cuts. If you are able to financially support the work of ROC Northern Ireland either through a one-off donation or monthly gift, please click the link below for further details and to donate. Or if you would like to host a fundraising event on our behalf, please contact the ROC Team for further details.


Are you and your organisation interested in featuring in our monthly Action Group News?

Get in touch with us to find out how you can feature as our organisation highlight each month!


Organisation Highlight - Bible Society NI

Bible Society NI exist to reach everyone with God's Word in a language & format that they can access & afford. We are passionate about Bible engagement in Northern Ireland, and overseas, and have produced resources to assist churches, groups & individuals to engage with God's Word. 

Daring to Hope: Experiencing the Grace of Lament. People across Northern Ireland often face an avalanche of psychological, emotional and spiritual pain as they journey through life. Daring to Hope is a five-part journey that follows the words and cries of some of the Bible's most famous individual laments. This resource is designed to help you, your church or group, (re)discover the Grace of Lament. Will you Dare to Hope with us this Lent?

Woven: A Holy Week Devotional. Holy Week: the greatest week in all of history. Pause, ponder, and journey through the teaching, trails, tears, and triumph of the final week of Jesus' life. This resource is perfect to use alone or in a group as you journey from Psalm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

Both resources, alongside others, are available from the Bible Society NI office. Please call us on 028 9032 6577, or complete the order forms on our website.


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